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Our Pledge to Improve Healthcare in the Community

As required by legislative mandate, Maimonides Midwood Community Hospital has a Community Service Plan, which has been approved by the Hospital’s Board of Trustees and sent to the New York State Department of Health. This document includes pertinent information regarding the following:

  • Inpatient and outpatient medical services
  • Educational programs available to the community
  • Statements concerning various aspects of the Hospital’s management
  • Mission and vision statements
  • Statement of financial resources, including charity care provided by the Hospital

Please Give Us Your Opinion Regarding the Top Health Priorities as designated by the NYS Department of Health’s Agenda for a Healthier State

Modification and development of the hospital’s new Community Service Plan are under way and will remain a continuous process over the next three years and beyond. We have been provided with input from several groups associated with our community including long standing community and advisory committees of our hospital. Input from our community, now, and into the future, is invited in order to consider ideas and general input for our Community Service Plan. We request this input for our continuous effort in providing the best healthcare to meet the health needs of the community we serve.

Based on the New York State Prevention Agenda for 2013-2017, there are now five Priorities under which there are several Focus Areas as well as specific Goals within each Focus Area. Members of the community are specifically asked to consider two or three Focus Areas OR Goals from within the 5 Prevention Agenda Priorities that they feel are significant for our hospital to address. The NYS Department of Health’s Prevention Agenda Priorities, Focus Areas and Goals are:

  • Promote Healthy and Safe Environment
  • Injuries, Violence and Occupational Health
  • Reduce fall risks among the most vulnerable populations
  • Reduce violence by targeting violence prevention programs particularly to highest-risk populations
  • Reduce occupational injury and illness focusing on adolescents
  • Outdoor Air Quality
  • Reduce exposure to outdoor air pollutants, with a focus on burdened communities
  • Built Environment
  • Improve the design and maintenance of the built environment to promote healthy lifestyles, sustainability and adaptation to climate change
  • Improve the design and maintenance of home environments to promote health and reduce related illness
  • Water Quality
  • Increase the percentage of State residents that receive optimally fluoridated drinking water
  • Reduce potential public health risks associated with drinking water and recreational water
  • Prevent Chronic Diseases
  • Reduce Obesity in Children and Adults
  • Create community environments that promote and support healthy food and beverage choices and physical activity
  • Prevent childhood obesity through early childhood care and schools
  • Expand the role of the health care and health service providers and insurers in obesity prevention
  • Expand the role of public and private employers in obesity prevention
  • Reduce illness, disability and death related to tobacco use and secondhand smoke exposure
  • Prevent initiation of tobacco use by New York youth and young adults, especially among low socioeconomic status (SES) populations
  • Promote tobacco use cessation, especially among low SES populations and those with poor mental health
  • Eliminate exposure to secondhand smoke
  • Increase access to high quality chronic disease preventative care and management in both clinical and community settings
  • Increase screening rates for cardiovascular disease, diabetes and breast/cervical/colorectal cancer, especially among disparate populations
  • Promote use of evidence-based care to manage chronic diseases
  • Promote culturally relevant chronic disease self-management education
  • Prevent HIV/STDs, Vaccine Preventable Diseases and Healthcare-Associate Infections
  • Vaccine-Preventable Diseases
  • Improve childhood and adolescent immunization rates
  • Educate all parents about importance of immunizations
  • Decrease the burden of Pertussis Disease
  • Decrease the burden of Influenza Disease
  • Decrease the burden of disease caused by Human Papillomavirus
  • Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
  • Decrease HIV morbidity
  • Increase early access to and retention in HIV care
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
  • Decrease STD morbidity
  • Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)
  • Increase and coordinate HCV prevention and treatment capacity
  • Healthcare Associated Infections
  • Reduce Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) infections
  • Reduce infections caused by multidrug resistant organisms
  • Reduce device-associated infections
  • Promote Healthy Women, Infants, and Children
  • Maternal and Infant Health
  • Reduce premature births in New York State
  • Increase the proportion of NYS babies who are breastfed
  • Reduce the rate of maternal deaths in New York State
  • Child Health
  • Increase the proportion of NYS children who receive comprehensive well child care in accordance with AAP guidelines
  • Reduce the prevalence of dental caries among NYS children
  • Preconception and Reproductive Health
  • Reduce the rate of adolescent and unplanned pregnancies in NYS
  • Increase utilization of preventative health services among women of reproductive age to improve wellness, pregnancy outcomes and reduce recurrence of adverse birth outcomes
  • Promote Mental Health and Prevent Substance Abuse
  • Promote Mental, Emotional and Behavioral Health (MEB)
  • Promote mental, emotional and behavioral well-being in communities
  • Prevent Substance Abuse and Other MEB Disorders
  • Prevent underage drinking, non-medical use of prescription drugs by youth, and excessive alcohol consumption by adults
  • Prevent and reduce occurrences of mental emotional and behavioral disorders among youth and adults
  • Prevent suicides among youth and adults
  • Reduce tobacco use among adults who report poor mental health
  • Strengthen Infrastructure Across Systems
  • Support collaboration among professionals working in fields of mental, emotional, behavioral health promotion and chronic disease prevention, treatment and recovery
  • Strengthen infrastructure for mental emotional behavioral health promotion, and mental emotional behavioral disorder prevention

If you would like to submit comments regarding the Hospital’s Community Service Plan please contact Boris Molchanskiy, CNO at email or Phone 718- 692- 5306. You can also address your comments by mail to:

2525 Kings Highway,
NY 11229.