Open 24/7
Current Waiting Time in ED: 36 Min - Updated on: Mar 14 2025 4:30AM
Contact Us 718-692-5300
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Have a question or comment for us about our hospital or new website? Let us know! E-mail us at

Please note that we cannot answer specific medical questions via e-mail. If you have a medical problem or concern, please consult your physician. If you are having a medical emergency, dial 911 for help.


Maimonides Midwood Community Hospital is located at 2525 Kings Highway at East 26th Street in the Midwood/Madison Park section of Brooklyn.

Entrance to hospital

Our main entrance is located on Kings Highway and East 26th Street. Our Emergency Department entrance is located on Avenue O and East 26th Street.

More information

For additional visitor and patient information, please call our main number at 718-692-5300, or e-mail us at

Telephone Directory

Main Number 718-692-5300
Physician Referral Service / Patient Information 1-888-NYCH-4-MD (1-888-692-4463)
Administrative Offices 718-692-5302
Admitting 718-692-5308
Ambulatory Surgery 718-692-5310
Billing 718-692-5335
Corporate Compliance 718-692-8757
Development 718-692-5367
Dietary Nutrition 718-692-5313
Emergency Services 718-692-5387
Finance 718-692-5385
Human Resources 718-692-5367
Laboratory 718-692-5371
Medical Records 718-692-5377
Nursing Supervisor 718-692-5360
Patient Relations 718-692-8547
Pharmacy 718-692-5339
Physical Therapy 718-692-5337
Purchasing 718-692-5341
Quality Improvement 718-692-5336
Radiology 718-692-5311 / 718-692-5348
Social Work 718-692-5320
Volunteer Services 718-692-8981

Mailing Address

Maimonides Midwood Community Hospital
2525 Kings Highway
Brooklyn, NY 11229

Credentialing Office

For physician inquiries, 2805’s, affiliations, etc. contact the Credentials Office, Theresa Jerry-Yu, via email,

Medical Records

Maimonides Midwood Community Hospital (MMCH) protects the confidentiality of every patient’s medical record. As a patient, you have the right to access your medical records.

You may access your available records on the ConnectEHR Patient Portal that allows you to conveniently manage your health information. With your MMCH account, you are able to:

View and download clinical documents
Transmit clinical documents over DIRECT protocol (a secure pathway that functions like email)
Request amendments to clinical documents if an inaccuracy is discovered
Grant access to authorized representatives (for example, parental/guardian access to minor patient records)
Send and receive Secure Messages with provider
View an audit log for patient and AR to monitor Portal account activity
Automatically deactivate an authorized representative’s account when a patient reaches the age specified by the healthcare organization

The Patient Portal works with your MMCH account to give you more control over your healthcare. Access your medical records from MMCH and other medical providers on your computer or mobile device.

If the information required is not found in the Patient Portal or an official copy is needed, please follow the instructions below and complete the Maimonides Midwood Community Hospital Authorization form to help us process your request.

Please note, a signed Authorization form along with a copy of a photo ID needs to be provided prior to processing.

Maimonides Midwood Community Hospital Authorization Form
There is a variety of ways to request your medical records, including:
Medical Records Department Address and Hours of Operation

Email –
Telephone Number: 718-692-5377
Mailing address: 2525 Kings Highway, Suite 1F, Brooklyn NY 11229

2525 Kings Highway, Suite 1F, Brooklyn NY 11229

Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM

Requests for treatment purposes (continuity of care) will be expedited; all other requests will be processed within the designated timeframe of 10 business days.

Radiology Department

Address: 2525 Kings Highway Brooklyn NY 11229
Telephone Number: 718-692-5348

Pathology Department

Telephone Number: 718-692-5370

Billing Department

Telephone Number: 718-692-5335

Patient Bill of Rights

You have certain rights and protections as a patient guaranteed by state and federal laws. These rights help to promote quality and safety during your hospital stay.

Please review the following document to know your rights. Bill of Right

Patient Information | Maimonides Medical Center
We can provide versions of this notice in ArabicBengaliChinese (Traditional), Haitian CreoleHebrewPolishRussianSpanishUrdu and Uzbek

Advance Directives/Health Care Proxies

The types of advance directives are:
Do-not-resuscitate (DNR) order – A form that instructs medical staff not to try to revive you if your breathing or heartbeat stops
Health care proxy – The person you appoint to make treatment decisions for you, including your wishes regarding organ donation
Living will – A document that states your specific instructions and choices regarding medical treatment
MOLST form (Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment) – NYS Department of Health form used to convey a patient’s wishes regarding cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and other life-sustaining treatments

If you or a loved one has questions about patient information, please reach out and contact our Patient Relations Manager – David Adonolem at 718-692-8547. Our compassionate staff is committed to enhancing your patient experience as best we can.


Maimonides Midwood Community Hospital provides services to all persons regardless of actual or perceived race, color, religion, creed, age, sex, national origin, citizenship status, culture, language, socioeconomic status, partnership status, familial status, caregiver status, parental status, domestic violence victim status, military or veteran status, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, gender nonconformance or transgender status, physical or mental disability, and any other classification protected by applicable federal, state, or city law.

If you believe that Maimonides Midwood Community Hospital has discriminated on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex, you may file a grievance with:

David Adonolem Manager-Patient Relations (718) 692-8547 /
Boris Molchanksiy Chief Nursing Officer (718) 692-5306 /

You can also file a civil rights complaint with the US Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights, by mail, electronically, or phone at:

US Department of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Avenue, SW
Room 509F, HHH Building
Washington, DC 20201

Complaint Portal Assistant
Tel: 1-800-368-1019, 800-537-7697 (TDD)

Complaint forms are available at Office for Civil Rights

Language Assistance Services

We offer free language interpreter services. If you would like to request a spoken language or sign language interpreter, please tell your nurse or ask to speak with a patient representative at the hospital at 718-692-8547.